© secai


2015.5.23(SAT)~24(SUN) Live @ Natural High!

2015.5.23(SAT)~24(SUN) Live @ Natural High!
In the beautiful location, rivers and forest, music festival “Natural High!” will cerebrate their 10th anniversary. With our friend DJ and composer AUTO, Secai will take a part in his organized “Riverstage”. Let’s share the beautiful airs and music! http://naturalhigh.jp/2015/archives/stage/secai


3/14(SAT) Live at Orbit “ARTRIUM”

We will take part in the Live art session “ARTRIUM”!
more infohttp://secai.info/live/mar/
“ARTRIUM” @Chillspace Orbit


2015 Secai Recods Selection

Secai Records made a New Label Sampler Podcast. Enjoy our sounds!
Secaiレーベルの音源のみでポッドキャスト録りました。Nsd、Dasman、Secaiのかなりレアな音源を揃えてます。ビート、アンビエント、ライブテイクや未発表テイク等々の50分、是非チェックしてみてください http://www.mixcloud.com/secairadio/secai-recods-selection-2015/


2014 Year End Selection

Podcast by Secai Radio streaming now. Enjoy!



Sound Workshop at SHIBUYA University

Daisuke Namiki attend to take place a workshop at SHIBUYA University this weekend.
He will share the little knowledge of making track with sampling method, though unfortunately the application has been already closed, it must be fun!


Yaki​-​Läki Versions

Original songs written and recorded by Tenniscoats (Saya & Takashi Ueno) and Pastacas (Ramo Teder) 14-17 October 2011 at Pastacas’ home studio in Teijo, Finland. Remixes, cover and retake made between September 2013 and March 2014. ”Yaki-Läki Versions” LP released by Õunaviks (Estonia), CD by Afterhours (Japan). (sentences from this link) Daisuke Namiki takes part in as a Remixer! http://ounaviks.bandcamp.com/album/yaki-l-ki-versions


Blue Foundation`s Remix album “In My Mind I Am Free Reconstructed” has released! In which Secai took part in remixing “Just a hand”. Check them out and stay tuned!!


We are happy to announce our new release 『 star stalk ep 』info! We made this EP with our friend DJ Auto. The concept of this EP is “One night at somewhere outside party where Auto and Secai plays”. We hope that you will feel some vibration of our outside party with full of stars… Check it out! On sale 7/17(tue) http://starstalkep.web.fc2.com/


Hi there, we are going to release our new EP with DJ Auto! We will take place our release party on 7/16 (mon) . Let`s have a drink and cerebrate together! http://www.unit-tokyo.com/saloon/schedule/2012/07/716_roundabout_2auto_secai_sta.php


submeditate. 9th ANNIVERSARY

It is happy to announce that the Tokyo based dope beats party “submeditate.” will cerebrate their 9th anniversary. The party will take place 24 May 2012 at SALOON Daikanyama Tokyo. Let`s cerebrate and have a drink and dope beats together ! http://www.submeditate.com/next_act.html