© secai


TROPOPAUSE Limited Time Shop Open

TROPOPAUSE has opened a limited time shop at Shibuya PARCO PART1 1st Floor. It is also available to get our new and previous booklet CD at there. In this new CD, Nsd and Dasman offer 2 songs. Of course the cloths are beautiful, but also the booklet design is pretty kool too! You have to go and check them out!

#1 “Halsame” by Nsd
#2 “Acum” by Dasman



TROPOPAUSE” opens limited shop at Spiral Aoyama.
DATE/ 19(Mon)〜25(Sun) April at 1F Entrance Showcase of Spiral.


Secai compose tracks under the concept and image of the cloths.
Let`s go and check how it works!