© secai


17th October 2020 @ ReformRadio (UK)

Hi there. Our mix will be on the Reform Radio UK.
The Show time is 9AM -10AM (BST) on the 17th October 2020.
Japanese time 5PM – 6PM.

Please enjoy !



2015 Secai Recods Selection

Secai Records made a New Label Sampler Podcast. Enjoy our sounds!
Secaiレーベルの音源のみでポッドキャスト録りました。Nsd、Dasman、Secaiのかなりレアな音源を揃えてます。ビート、アンビエント、ライブテイクや未発表テイク等々の50分、是非チェックしてみてください http://www.mixcloud.com/secairadio/secai-recods-selection-2015/


2014 Year End Selection

Podcast by Secai Radio streaming now. Enjoy!



Kohviradio in Tokyo – 2011 January

A happy new year!
Here comes the new year edition of kohviradio in Tokyo.
“Kohviradio.com is a non-commercial Internet-radio founded in 2003 as a sub-project of Estonian indie-label called Kohvirecords. ” -from their site. We love them!
Let`s go and have fun!


Kohviradio at Tokyo Vol.3

Here we are now again, welcome to elegant radio streaming by Secai Vol.3!
“Kohviradio.com is a non-commercial Internet-radio founded in 2003 as a sub-project of Estonian indie-label called Kohvirecords. ” -from their site. We love them!
Let`s go and have fun:)



Kohviradio at Tokyo

Hi there, here we are again.
You can check elegant streaming by Secai Vol,1 &2.
“Kohviradio.com is a non-commercial Internet-radio founded in 2003 as a sub-project of Estonian indie-label called Kohvirecords. ” -from their site. We love them!
Let`s go and have fun!